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Binary XOR Calculator

Calculate the XOR of two binary numbers

String 1

String 2



Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Binary XOR Calculator?

A Binary XOR (exclusive OR) Calculator is a tool that performs the XOR operation on two binary numbers. The XOR operation outputs true or 1 only when the two binary bits being compared are different.

How does the Binary XOR operation work?

The XOR operation compares each bit of the binary numbers. If the bits are different, the result is 1. If the bits are the same, the result is 0. For example, XORing 1010 and 1100 results in 0110.

Can I use this calculator for other number systems?

Yes, this calculator supports binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and text inputs. You can select the input type and the calculator will handle the conversion and perform the XOR operation.

What are the practical applications of the XOR operation?

The XOR operation is widely used in computer science and digital electronics. It is used in error detection and correction algorithms, cryptography, and digital circuit design.

How do I use this Binary XOR Calculator?

To use this calculator, enter your first string in the "String 1" field and select its type. Enter your second string in the "String 2" field and select its type. Choose the desired output type and click "Calculate" to see the result.