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Signed Magnitude Calculator

Convert between decimal and signed magnitude binary representation


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Signed Magnitude representation?

Signed Magnitude is a method for representing signed integers in binary. It uses the leftmost bit as a sign bit (0 for positive, 1 for negative) and the remaining bits represent the magnitude of the number.

How does this calculator work?

This calculator allows you to convert between decimal numbers and their signed magnitude binary representation. You can choose the number of bits for the binary representation when converting from decimal to signed magnitude.

What are the limitations of Signed Magnitude representation?

Signed Magnitude has some limitations, such as having two representations for zero (+0 and -0) and being less efficient for arithmetic operations compared to other representations like Two's Complement.

What's the difference between Signed Magnitude and Two's Complement?

While both represent signed integers, Signed Magnitude uses the leftmost bit for sign and the rest for magnitude. Two's Complement uses a different method where negative numbers are represented by inverting all bits and adding 1. Two's Complement is more commonly used in computers due to its simpler arithmetic operations.

Why are different bit lengths (8, 16, 32) important?

Different bit lengths allow for representing different ranges of numbers. 8 bits can represent numbers from -127 to +127, 16 bits from -32,767 to +32,767, and 32 bits from -2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647. Choosing the appropriate bit length depends on the range of numbers you need to work with.

Can Signed Magnitude represent fractional numbers?

No, Signed Magnitude is typically used for integers. For representing fractional numbers in binary, other formats like floating-point representation (e.g., IEEE 754) are used, which include separate fields for sign, exponent, and mantissa.