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Although pure competition is relatively rare in the real world, this market structure is still relevant to many industries. As we learned in the current unit, in pure competition, entrepreneurs remove resources from industries that are generating economic losses in order to transfer them to the industries that are generating economic profits. This process leads to the highly efficient allocation of resources. In other words, the market competition help in moving resources to their best possible use. 

The transformative effects of competition are often referred to as creative destruction which captures the idea that the creation of new products, and new production methods the market positions of firms committing to existing products and old ways of doing business. This process has nothing to do with how well the economy is doing. In other words, creative destruction can happen during both recessions as well as expansion phases of business cycles. 

Please consider an industry or a firm or product that has disappeared from the market as a result of allocative efficiency and creative destruction and replaced by another industry or a firm or product. Discuss the pros and cons of this process for your choice of industry or a firm or product.

Suggest an industry or a firm or product that has disappeared;  Suggest another industry or a firm or product that has replaced it;  Prove the pros and cons of this process for your choice of industry or a firm or product.

Asked By TwilightWanderer98 at

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Step 1/2

The basic idea behind the innovation principle is that it is necessary to undermine long-term planning and speculation in order to free up resources that may be utilized for innovation. This is the assumption that underpins the innovation principle.


According to Schumpeter, the ultimate end product of internal market forces is financial development, and this development is formed in the form of income generation.

Step 2/2

The purpose of destruction in creation views the functioning of the economy as a normal and inevitable process. This stands in the intense analysis and fashion of statistical statistical stereotypes of Cambridge-culture. Evaluation is not the objective of halting market processes any longer. Instead, several dynamics are undergoing continuous change or are undergoing change in a manner that generates new opportunities for innovation and competitiveness.

The approach does, in fact, have ramifications for both the people who lose and the people who win, as was indicated in the instance of the phrase demolition tactics. It is possible that people who are loyal to their jobs and manufacturers may be left in the dust. In reality, tensions will arise between business owners and workers in the new technologies, but this will result in the creation of new revenue prospects. Examples of things that set new records are Henry Ford's conference line and the way in which it completely revolutionized the automated manufacturing industry. However, this resulted in the destruction of traditional marketplaces and the loss of employment for a great number of people. It is possible that the internet was the most all-encompassing example of innovation ever seen; as a result, the people who lost out were not only successful store clerks and their bosses; instead, they included financiers, secretaries, and travel agents. There are now many more people who are at a disadvantage because of the mobile network, such as cab drivers and map makers. The winners, in addition to the apparent example of the program's organizers, are most likely merely a large number of people. The entertainment sector has developed into a ruthless technique to climb the web, but its search for fresh knowledge and product has remained the same or even increased. The internet has been responsible for the demise of a great number of locally owned businesses while simultaneously fostering the growth of a large number of new businesses online.


The argument that Schumpeter makes is that the evolutionary process encourages progress and development while punishing the most basic techniques of resource planning. This is something that Schumpeter points out. Progress, growth, and higher living standards are all closely related to the fashion industry. Suggest an industry or a firm or product that has disappeared; Suggest another industry or a firm or product that has replaced it; Prove the pros and cons of this process for your choice of industry or a firm or product. The coal industry has largely disappeared in the United States, replaced by natural gas and renewable energy. This process has had both positive and negative consequences. The positive consequences of the decline of the coal industry include the following:


`1.` The air is cleaner. Burning coal releases pollutants into the air, including sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These pollutants can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer.


`2.` The water is cleaner. Coal mining can pollute water sources with heavy metals and other contaminants.


`3.` There are fewer mine accidents. Coal mining is a dangerous occupation, and there have been many fatal accidents over the years.


`4.` There are fewer coal ash spills. Coal ash is the waste product from coal-fired power plants. It can contain harmful contaminants such as mercury, lead, and arsenic.


`5.` There is less mountaintop removal. Mountaintop removal is a type of mining that involves blasting the tops off of mountains to reach the coal deposits. This process can damage the environment and jeopardize the health of nearby residents.


The negative consequences of the decline of the coal industry include the following:


`1.` Thousands of coal miners have lost their jobs. The coal industry employs thousands of workers, and the decline of the industry has led to widespread job losses.


`2.` Coal-producing regions have been hard hit economically. Coal mining is an important part of the economy in many parts of the United States, and the decline of the industry has had a devastating impact on these regions.


`3. ` The use of coal is not completely eliminated. Although the coal industry has declined in the United States, coal is still being mined and used in other parts of the world.


`4.` The replacement of coal with natural gas is not without its own environmental concerns. Natural gas is a fossil fuel, and its extraction and use can also have negative environmental impacts.


`5. ` Renewable energy is not yet able to completely replace coal. Solar, wind, and other forms of renewable energy are not yet able to meet all of the demand for electricity that coal once did.

Final Answer

Overall, the decline of the coal industry has had both positive and negative consequences. While the air and water are cleaner and there are fewer mine accidents, thousands of miners have lost their jobs and coal-producing regions have been hard hit economically. The use of coal is not completely eliminated, and the replacement of coal with natural gas is not without its own environmental concerns. Renewable energy is not yet able to completely replace coal.

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