
Asked By LightningWhisper25 at
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- CCl4 - Non polar - Atom closest to negative side : Cl
- I2 - Non polar - Atom closest to negative side : --
- NH2- - Polar - Atom closest to negative side : N
C and Cl have electronegativity difference and hence, each bonds will have a dipole moment. But the shape of CCl4 is symmetric, hence all the dipole moment cancels each other.
So net dipole moment will be zero. So CCl4 is a non polar molecule.
The atom closest to negative side will be the most electronegative atom, which in this case is chlorine (Cl).
The electronegativity difference in I2 molecules is zero
Hence, I2 is a non polar molecule.
NH2- :
N and H atoms have electronegativity difference and hence, each N-H bonds will have a dipole moment. But the shape of NH2- is asymmetric, hence all the dipole moment will NOT cancels each other.
So there will be net dipole moment for NH2- molecule. So NH2- is a polar molecule.
The atom closest to negative side will be the most electronegative atom, which in this case is nitrogen (N).
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