
Asked By MysticSkyline31 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 1.5k answers · 1k people helped
14.Ans: A normal good is a good whose demand increases with an increase in consumer's income.
15.Ans: At a price of $1 per table, there is a surplus in the market.
When quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded , then there will be surplus in the market.
When quantity supplied is less than quantity demanded , then there will be shortage in the market.
Ans: If the price of the good increases by 1 percent , the quantity demanded of the good will decrease by 3 percent.
According to the law of demand there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.
23.Ans: Resources for which the quantity that people want exceeds the quantity that is freely available.
Ans: No change in supply, but a decrease in quantity supplied.
26.Ans: The income elasticity of demand for a good is independent of the price changes of the related goods, whereas the cross- price elasticity of demand for a good is independent of the income changes of the consumer.
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