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Draw the major organic product of the reaction shown. HI OH

Asked By ShadowVoyager66 at

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Step 1/3

Reaction of alcohols with hydrohalic acids `(HX)` :

The reaction of alcohols with hydrohalic acids with produce alkyl halides. It is a substitution reaction.

`R-OH + HX->R-X + H2O`


The `OH-` group in alcohol readily reacts with `H+` ion of acid to form water.

Step 2/3

Determination of the product:

The reaction of `1,1-dimethyl-1-propanol` with `HI` gives `1-iodo-1,1-dimethylpropane` and water.


The reaction proceeds through `S_N1` mechanism. Thus it is also known as `S_N1 reaction` .

Step 3/3


The `S_N1` mechanism of the reaction is given below:


Step- `1` : `OH` accepts `H+` to form `H3O+` additional product.


Step- `2` : Formation of carbocation.


Step- `3` : Nucleophilic attack of `I-`

Final Answer

The major product formed in this reaction is `1-iodo-1,1-dimethylpropane`

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