Which sentence uses correct parallel structure? A. During the weekdays, Enriquez enjoys cooking, the park, and to read before he goes to bed. B. When Jonas goes to the beach, he likes to swim in the water and playing volleyball in the sand. C. On the weekends, Georgina likes to play soccer, watch a movie, and take afternoon naps. D. As soon as Molly gets home, she enjoys sitting on the couch and to watch her favorite TV show.
Asked By FrostyBlaze52 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 2.1k answers · 2k people helped
Parallel structure basically means repeating the same structure over and over. The answer would look like this if it was parallel. The verbs would also have to agree with one another
A. cook(ing) ___ , go(ing)___, and read(ing)___
B. likes to (swim)___, and (play)___
C. likes to (p
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