What is a statistical question and what is its purpose? Be sure to include the 3 characteristics that make it up.
What does it mean for data to have variability as it refers to statistical questions? Give an example.
Explain the difference between a dot plot and histogram. When would you use each graph?
Explain the difference between center and shape of a data set.
What information can you learn from reading a box plot graph? Be sure to explain each part of this type of graph and the information you can obtain about the data in the graph.
Asked By StormySkies20 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 4.3k answers · 4k people helped
Step-by-step explanation:
What is a statistical question and what is its purpose? Be sure to include the 3 characteristics. That makes it up.
Answer- and statistical question is a question that guides research by defining the population of a given topic and that anticipates variability in the c
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