The process of Transcription occurs in the ___ and involves the copying of _____. This copied information will then be _____ in the cytoplasm to create a _____, which is composed of smaller building blocks called _____. During translation, individual ____are attached to one another via _____. As the protein strand gets larger and leaves the ribosome, it begins to fold into the first phase of its 3-dimensional structure (secondary structure). _____ give rise to the protein's secondary structure. In the tertiary/quaternary structure of a protein, _____ amino acids are typically found towards the center of the structure, while ____are found towards the outside of the protein, facing the watery environment of the cell.
Word bank:
protein, covalent bond, hydrophobic, translated, amino acids, a portion of genome, hydrogen bonds, cytoplasm, the entire genome, transcribed again, hydrophilic, half the genome, mRNA strand, nucleus, replicated, nucleotides
Asked By LightningWhisper25 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 1.5k answers · 1k people helped
The process of transcription occurs in the nucleus and involves the copying of a portion of the genome. This copied information will then be translated into the cytoplasm to create a protein, which is composed of smaller building blocks called amino acids. During translation, individual amino acids
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