Which phrase describes a dipole moment? (1 point)
the separation of positive and negative charges
the vibration of a molecule
the imbalance of positive and negative charges
the releasing of energy from a molecule
Which statement best summarizes the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere? (1 point)
The atmosphere is mostly non-greenhouse gases, so the small amount of greenhouse gases have little impact on climate
The atmosphere has recently changed and is mostly greenhouse gases, but they have little impact on climate
The atmosphere is mostly non-greenhouse gases, but the small amount of greenhouse gases have a large impact on climate
The atmosphere has recently changed and is mostly greenhouse gases, which have a large impact on climate
Which observed consequence is due to increased production of greenhouse gases? (1 point)
more glaciers
global cooling
melted ice caps
fewer floods
Are greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect ever beneficial? Why or why not? (1 point)
No, greenhouse gases are a result of air pollution, which is detrimental to the environment.
Yes, industries need to consume greenhouse gases to help people keep their standard of living
No, too many greenhouse gases cause the planet to retain too much heat.
Yes, the greenhouse effect keeps the planet warm enough to support life.
Which molecule acts as a greenhouse gas? (1 point)
nitric oxide (NO)
oxygen (0₂)
nitrous oxide (N₂O)
nitrogen (N₂)
Asked By CosmicWanderer37 at
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Expert · 5.4k answers · 5k people helped
The phrase which describes a dipole moment is the separation of positive and negative charges,the statement best summarizes the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere , the atmosphere is mostly non-greenhouse gases, but the small amount of greenhouse gases in an ecosystem have a large impa
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