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Knowledge Check 01 Which of the following statements about franchises are true? (Select all that apply.) Check All That Apply A franchise involves a license to use intellectual property. | A franchise involves initial sales of products and services as well as ongoing sales of products and services. Each part of the franchise arrangement must be evaluated to identify the performance obligations. In a franchise arrangement, a franchisee grants to the franchisor the right to sell the franchisor's products and use its name. Knowledge Check 01 Which of the following statements about the definition of the word "probable" are true? (Select all that apply.) Check All That Apply 0 IFRS defines "probable" as a likelihood that is greater than 25%. 0 The IFRS definition of the word "probable" is higher than the definition in U.S. GAAP. 0 The U.S. GAAP definition of the word "probable" implies a relatively high likelihood of occurrence. 0 U.S. GAAP defines "probable" to mean an amount can reasonably be expected or believed on the basis of available evidence or logic but is neither certain nor proved. Knowledge Check 01 Which of the following would indicate that control has passed from the seller to the customer? (Select all that apply.) Check All That Apply The asset is warehoused by a seller-affiliated third party. Legal title to the asset has passed to the customer. The customer has assumed the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset. The customer has an obligation to pay the seller. Knowledge Check 01 Which of the following are criteria that must be met before revenue can be recognized over time? (Select all that apply.) Check All That Apply 0 The customer consumes the benefit of the seller's work as it is performed. 0 The customer controls the asset as it is created. 0 The seller is creating an asset that has an alternative use to the seller, and the seller has the legal right to receive payment for progress to date. 0 The seller is creating an asset that has no alternative use to the seller, and the seller has the legal right to receive payment for progress to date.

Asked By SilentSkies45 at

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Please note only relevant applicable answers are mention.

Following statement about franchise are true

1. A franchise involve a license to use intellectual property

2. Each part of agreement must be evaluated to identify performance obligation.

3. Under franchisee agreement franchisor allow franchisee holder to sell franchisor’s product and use its name

Following statement are true about definition of Probable

1. US GAAP defines probable mean an amount can reasonably be accepted or believed on the basis of available evidence but neither certain not proved.

Following statement proved control has passed from seller to the customer

1. The asset is ware housed by seller affiliated third party

2. Legal title to asset has been passed to customer

3. The customer has obligation to pay

Following are criteria which are must be met before revenue can be recognized over the time

1.  Customer consumes the benefit of seller’s work as it is performed

2. Customer controls the assets as it is created

3. The seller creating the asset that has not alternate use to seller and seller has legal right to receive the payment for progress to date.

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<h2>Forbidden Built-ins/Methods/etc</h2><ul><li>break, continue</li><li>methods outside those permitted within allowed types<ul><li>for instance str.endswith</li><li>list.index, list.count, etc.</li></ul></li><li>Keywords you definitely don't need: await, as, assert, async, class, except, finally, global, lambda, nonlocal, raise, try, yield</li><li>The&nbsp;<i>is</i> keyword is forbidden, not because it's necessarily bad, but because it doesn't behave as you might expect (it's not the same as ==).&nbsp;&nbsp;<ul><li>The only exception is if you use the python None, you may use the expressions "x is not None" or "x is None".&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ul></li><li>built in functions: any, all, breakpoint, callable, classmethod, compile, exec, delattr, divmod, enumerate, filter, map, max, min, isinstance, issubclass, iter, locals, oct, next, memoryview, property, repr, reversed, round, set, setattr, sorted, staticmethod, sum, super, type, vars, zip</li><li>If you have read this section, then you know the secret word is: alacrity.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><li>exit() or quit()</li><li>If something is not on the allowed list, not on this list, then it is probably forbidden.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><li>The forbidden list can always be overridden by a particular problem, so if a problem allows something on this list, then it is allowed for that problem.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>We will be creating a simplified version of the game Stratego. It's a board game played between two people, playing with Red and Blue pieces. The goal of this game is essentially to capture the enemy's flag or to capture all of the enemy pieces.</strong></p><p><br><strong>However, we will not be implementing this entire game since it's probably too complicated. So instead we will be implementing a simplified version of the game, that I call Tactego.</strong><br>&nbsp;</p><ol><li>The game of tactego is set up on a board which is a 2d grid of size length x width which will be specified at the start of the game.</li><li>The pieces will be specified in a file, which will have lines indicating the strength of the piece and the number of pieces with that strength.</li><li>Players alternate by taking turns.</li><li>A player selects a piece and then moves that piece.<ol><li>The position the player selects must be one of their pieces, you must test for this.</li><li>The position that you select as the destination must be at most one place away up, down, left, right, or diagonally from the original position.</li><li>The position must not contain one of the player's own pieces.</li><li>If the destination contains an enemy's piece, then combat ensues.</li><li>Flags cannot move.</li></ol></li><li>Combat is determined by strength.<ol><li>If a higher strength piece attacks a lower <strong>or equal </strong>strength piece then it wins.</li><li>If a lower strength piece attacks a higher strength piece, then it loses.</li><li>If any piece (that can move) attacks a flag, then it captures that flag.</li><li>The winner of the combat takes the position that the piece was moving into.</li></ol></li><li>Victory for a player is when the other player has lost all of their flags.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Design Details and Flow</h2><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This is a specification for how the project should be implemented.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><ol><li>Get the size of the board.</li><li>Get the filename with the pieces.</li><li>Create the board and the pieces, and place them onto the board randomly as specified here:<ol><li>Use the random.shuffle method on the pieces inputted from the file in order to randomize placement of the pieces.<ol><li>If you have a pieces list you can simply do random.shuffle(pieces) once, for each set of pieces.</li></ol></li><li>For the red player, place them at the top of the board, starting at position (0, 0) and going to (0, width - 1) then go to the next line (1, 0) and scan across the row. Keep going in that fashion until all of the pieces have been placed.</li><li>For the blue player, place them on the bottom of the board starting at (length - 1, 0) going up to (length - 1, width - 1) before resetting to (length - 2, 0) and scanning across that row. Keep going until all pieces have been placed.</li><li>The reason we're specifying this so carefully is so that we can all use a seed and generate the same placements of pieces. It will help both you and the graders to be able to test.</li></ol></li><li>Enter the main game loop. Stay in the game loop until one of the players wins.</li><li>Draw the board.</li><li>Get the player's move.<ol><li>A starting position should have two coordinates separated by a space.</li><li>Check that the starting position is valid, return to (a) if not.</li><li>Then get the ending position also two coordinates separated by a space.</li><li>Check if the ending position is valid, return to ( c ) if not.</li></ol></li><li>Move the piece.</li><li>Determine the result of any combat</li><li>Return to (4) until there is a winning player.</li><li>Report the player who won and end the game.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Special Note about the Size of the Board</h2><h2>It is possible that the size of the board is too small to have both sets of pieces placed onto the board successfully. In this case, we will consider this an invalid game, it doesn't really matter what your program does. Assume that the board will always be big enough to have both sets of pieces included. Some options include:</h2><p>&nbsp;</p><ol><li>Generate an error and simply end the game before it begins</li><li>Allow the game to continue and ignore the problem.</li><li>Tell them the game may be invalid if the number of pieces is greater than length * width / 2.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>Implementation Requirements</h2><p>&nbsp;</p><ol><li><i>You must have a main function called tactego:</i></li></ol><p><i>def tactego(pieces_file, length, width)</i>:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><ol><li><i>You must import random in order to use shuffle.</i></li><li><i>Your main block should be:</i></li></ol><p><i>if __name__ == '__main__':</i></p><p><i>random.seed(input('What is seed? '))</i></p><p><i>file_name = input('What is the filename for the pieces? ')</i></p><p><i>length = int(input('What is the length? '))</i></p><p><i>width = int(input('What is the width? '))</i></p><p><i>tactego(file_name, length, width)</i></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This will ensure that we can all have the same placement of pieces with different random seeds, which determines the output of the shuffles.</p><ol><li>Other than tactego, you should implement <strong>at least 4 additional functions</strong>. Keep in mind that my solution has approximately 8 functions, so you shouldn't be afraid to create far more than 5 total. You won't be rewarded for smashing too much functionality into each function so think about what the job of each function is and try to have it do that one job.</li><li>The only global variables that you have should be constants (and technically the inputs in main at the beginning of the program that you send into the tactego function). The game board, pieces, and all of the other things that you create for this project should be local to the tactego function. This will force you to pass them as parameters to the functions that need that data.</li><li>Load the pieces from the file in the order that they are given there, don't sort them or do anything before you run the shuffle on them. Run shuffle twice, once on the red pieces then once on the blue pieces in that order.</li><li>Output the board at least once per turn so that the player can see what they're doing.</li><li>Ask for the starting and ending positions in separate input statements, so that we can maintain consistency for testing.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The pieces file format will be like this, each line will take one of these forms:</p><ol><li>[piece strength] [number of pieces] for example 7 3 means that there are 3 pieces with strength 7.</li><li>F [number of flags] for instance F 1 or F 2 [there is a space between them]</li><li>Extra Credit: M [number of mines]</li><li>Extra Credit: S [number of sappers]</li><li>Extra Credit: A [number of assassins]</li></ol><h2><sup>A Sample File</sup></h2><p><sup>Here is the sample file from small_game.pieces</sup></p><h2><sup>5 1</sup></h2><h2><sup>3 1</sup></h2><h2><sup>2 2</sup></h2><h2><sup>1 3</sup></h2><h2><sup>F 1</sup></h2><p><sup>Here is the sample file from basic.pieces</sup></p><h2><sup>10 1</sup></h2><h2><sup>9 1</sup></h2><h2><sup>8 2</sup></h2><h2><sup>7 3</sup></h2><h2><sup>6 4</sup></h2><h2><sup>5 4</sup></h2><h2><sup>3 6</sup></h2><h2><sup>2 8</sup></h2><h2><sup>1 10</sup></h2><h2><sup>F 1</sup></h2><p><sup>Here is the sample file from assassins.pieces</sup></p><p>A 3</p><p>F 1</p><p>1 2</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h2><strong>Sample Project Output</strong></h2><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>linux3[139]% python tactego.py</strong></p><p><strong>What is the seed? asdf</strong></p><p><strong>What is the filename for the pieces? small_game.pieces</strong></p><p><strong>What is the length? 6</strong></p><p><strong>What is the width? &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 1 &nbsp; 2&nbsp; &nbsp; 3</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 RF &nbsp; R1 &nbsp; R2 &nbsp; R2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1 R1 &nbsp; R1 &nbsp; R3 &nbsp; R5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4 B1 &nbsp; B2 &nbsp; B1 &nbsp; B3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 B1 &nbsp; B2 &nbsp; BF &nbsp; B5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Select Piece to Move by Position &gt;&gt; 1 0</strong></p><p><strong>Select Position to move Piece &gt;&gt; 2 0</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;0 1 2 3</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 RF&nbsp; R1 &nbsp; R2 &nbsp; R2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1&nbsp; &nbsp;R1 &nbsp; R3 &nbsp; R5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 R1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4 B1 &nbsp; B2 &nbsp; B1 &nbsp; B3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 B1 &nbsp; B2 &nbsp; BF &nbsp; B5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Select Piece to Move by Position &gt;&gt; 4 1</strong></p><p><strong>Select Position to move Piece &gt;&gt; 3 1</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;0 1 2 3</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;0 RF&nbsp; R1 &nbsp; R2 &nbsp; R2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1&nbsp; &nbsp;R1 &nbsp; R3 &nbsp; R5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 R1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3&nbsp; &nbsp;B2&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4 B1&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;B1 &nbsp; B3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 B1 &nbsp; B2 &nbsp; BF &nbsp; B5&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p>

The tared mass of a sample is its mass without regard to its container Transfer liquids and solutions from a reagent bottle or beaker with the aid of a stirring rod. 20. 21. womnD A small est tube has a volume of -3 mL. 23. A litmus paper test for the acidity or basicity of a solution requires the use of a stirring rod to remove a portion of the solution to then be touched to the litmus paper After drying a hygroscopic solid in a drying oven, the solid should be cooled in a desiccator. The color change of the indicator at the endpoint of a titration should persist for 30 seconds. 24. 25. Answer True or False for the following statements that refer to Laboratory Techniques. Ask your instructor to identify the questions you are to complete. 1. All clean glassware should be air-dried naturally 2. While cleaning glassware, discard all washes and rinses from the delivery point of the glass vessel. 3. To avoid waste in the use of chemicals, share the unused portion with other chemists before discarding. 4. Never touch, taste, or smell a chemical unless specifically told to do so. 5. A chemical with a "blue hazard label (a number 3 rating) means that the chemical is highly reactive. -6. If uncertain as to how to dispose of a chemical, dumping it into the sink followed by copious amount of - water is a safe disposal procedure. 7. Use a spatula to transfer solid chemicals from a reagent bottle. 8. Most all chemicals used in experiments can be disearded into the sink. 9. The number of significant figures used to record the mass of a chemical should correspond to the sensitiv- ity of the balance used for the measurement. 10. A 3-inch test tube has a volume of 3 ml.; an 8-inch test tube must have a volume of 8 ml. 11. To transfer a solution, a stiring rod touches the delivery point of the reagent vessel and the wall of the receiving vessel. 12. The minimum number of centrifuge tubes placed in a centrifuge during its operation is two. 13. A test tube should be less than one-third full when heating with a "cool" flame. 14. Right-handed students should operate the stopeock of a buret with their left hand and swirl the Erlenmeyer (receiving) flask with the right hand. 15. The thumb is the digit of choice on controlling the flow of liquid from a pipet. 16. Blow out the solution remaining in the pipet tip after the solution has drained from the pipet 17. A buret must always he filled to the top (the zero mark) before every titration procedure. 18. The volume of solution in a buret should be read and recorded 10-15 seconds after completing the titration. -19, It is possible to add a half-drop of solution from a buret. 20. To test the acidity of a solution with pH paper, place the pH paper directly in the solution. 21. The odar of a chemical should not be tessed unless specifell instructed to do so. The vapors of the chem- 22. One must first calculate the number of moles of solute that are required before preparing a solution of ical should be fanned toward the nose. known concentration. Summarize the Disclaimer in your own words. 42 Laboratory Techniques