Asked By LightningBolt37 at
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1. produces is represented with an arrow mark. (reactants right arrow products) and reactants right and left half arrows products.
2. reactants are called substrates in an enzymatic reaction. No other term for products.
3. Active site- substrate binds at the active site of the enzyme
4. Peroxisomes present in cytoplasm of the cell contain catalase enzyme which converts hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.
5. End of liquid level is indicated by the start of bubble column in apparatus like pipette.
6. Catalase converts hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Oxygen escapes as gas.
7. The word 'denaturation' describes the loss of enzyme's original shape and ability of its active site to function.
8. If the temperature increases slightly, enzyme activity increases, enzyme has maximum activity at its optimum temperature (optimum pH etc.), If the temperature is increased too much, it gets denatured.
9.When the enzyme concentration was studied, the negative control lacks substrate. (either substrate or enzyme lacks.) Because, there is no reaction occurinrg in negative control tube.
10. If there is more catalase produced, its action depends on the presence and concentration of substrate- hydrogen peroxide.
11. At optimum pH, enzyme has maximum activity.
12. protonation or deprotonation of amino acid occurs
15.The enzyme lactase converts lactose into glucose and galactose. Lactose-free diet is called lactaid. Hence by the intake of lactaid, the problem with lactose intolerance due to the deficiency of enzyme lactase can be avoided.
16. Usual human body temperature is 370C, with the range of 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F). In fever, there is high temperature which is not suitable foe enzyme functions in body.
17. The enzyme salivary amylase is most active at pH 6.8. Tube 3, water , starch, pancreatic amylase, NaHCO3 are the conditions needed for amylase to work.
In other tubes, there are no alkaline conditions for the enzyme to work.
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