Asked By MysticMist72 at
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Step 1/4
There are 4 solutions given for which we have to calculate k.
For solution 1, we need to find rate= `{1}/{2}{[S_{2}O_8]}/{t}`Explanation:
rate = k [S 2 O 8 2- ] x [I - ] y
Step 2/4
Putting the values of [S 2 O 8 2- ]= 2 ` x` `10^{-4}` for aliquot no.1 For no. 1: rate= `{1}/{2}{2 xx 10^-4}/{188}=5.138 xx 10^-7 mol //sec`For no. 2: rate= `{1}/{2}{4 xx 10^-4}/{378}=5.29 xx 10^-7 mol //sec`For no. 3; rate= `{1}/{2}{6 xx 10^-4}/{578}=5.19 xx 10^-7 mol //sec`For no. 4: rate= `{1}/{2}{8 xx 10^-4}/{793}=5.04 xx 10^-7 mol //sec`For no. 5: rate= `{1}/{2}{10 xx 10^-4}/{1023}=4.88 xx 10^-7 mol //sec`For no. 6: rate= `{1}/{2}{12 xx 10^-4}/{1283}=4.67 xx 10^-7 mol //sec`For no. 7: rate= `{1}/{2}{14 xx 10^-4}/{1557}=4.49 xx 10^-7 mol //sec`Explanation:
Putting the values of cumulative time and number of moles of [S 2 O 8 2- ] for each aliquot number.
Step 3/4
We have seven different readings for the experiment so we need to calculate the mean.
the mean rate= `4.98 xx 10^-7 mol//sec` .Explanation:
We have seven different readings for the experiment so we need to calculate the mean. To calculate the mean rate = `{rate 1+rate 2+rate 3+rate 4+rate 5+rate 6 +rate 7}/{7}` = `4.98 xx 10^-7 mol//sec`Step 4/4
[S 2 O 8 2- ]=0.050
[I -1 ]=0.050
k= `{rate}/{[S2O8 2- ][I-1]}`For solution 1
k= `{4.98 xx 10^-7}/{{0.050}{0.050}}=1.993 xx 10^-4 mol^{-1} sec^{-1}litre`Explanation:
The formula of rate= k[S 2 O 8 2- ][I -1 ]
Final Answer
k 1 = 1.993 ` xx 10^-4`Similarly we will calculate k for all 4 solutions and find the mean k.
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