can someone please post the teas 7 science questions and answers please.
Anatomy and physiology
Asked By GoldenLily32 at
Answered By Expert
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Which of the following is an example of a tissue ?
[ A.) liver
B.) mammal
C.) hamstring
D.) xylem
Which of the following by cellular respiration is used by autotrophs in the production of glucose?
Carbon dioxide
[ A.) ATP
B.) carbon dioxide
C.) chlorophyll
D.) oxygen .
Which of the following is the term given to multiple forms of a gene that are produced by mutation?
[ A.) adaption
C.) allele
D.) natural selection.
Nucleotides are to DNA as amino acids are to
[ A.) proteins
B.) ribosomes
D.) cells.
Which of the following organs contains stores of glycogen that can be released as glucose for emergencies?
A. Liver
B. Heart
C. Pancreas
D. Kidney
A. Liver
Which of the following is an organelle containing fluid filled tubules for carrying and transporting substances?
A. Nucleus
B. Mitochondria
C. Golgi apparatus
D. Endoplasmic reticulum
D. Endoplasmic reticulum
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