Check the functions of connective tissue.
Supporting the internal frame of the body
Energy storage
Hormone transport
Protecting the vital organs
Forming the structural framework of the liver
Asked By WhisperingWhimsy27 at
Answered By Expert
Expert · 4.8k answers · 4k people helped
Step 1/2
Connective tissue is a type of tissue in animals that provides mechanical support, metabolic support, and other specialized functions. It is one of the four basic types of animal tissue, along with epithelial, muscle, and nervous tissues. Connective tissue is characterized by its diverse cell populations embedded in an extracellular matrix, which consists of fibers and ground substance.
Connective tissues serve a variety of functions in the body, including providing structural support, connecting and binding tissues and organs together, protecting organs, insulating and storing energy, and participating in the immune response.
Examples of connective tissues include bone, cartilage, blood, adipose tissue (fat), tendons, ligaments, and various types of loose and dense connective tissues. The specific characteristics and functions of connective tissues vary depending on their type and location in the body.
Step 2/2
connective tissues play diverse and crucial roles in the body, including providing support, storing energy, facilitating hormone transport, protecting organs, and forming structural frameworks for various organs and tissues. Different types of connective tissues contribute to these functions based on their specialized properties and locations in the body.
Final Answer
Connective tissues play diverse and crucial roles in the body, including providing support, storing energy, facilitating hormone transport, protecting organs, and forming structural frameworks for various organs and tissues. Different types of connective tissues contribute to these functions based on their specialized properties and locations in the body.
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