What is one way that Nathaniel Bacon's 1675-76 rebellion contributed to the increasing presence of slavery in the decades that followed?
Bacon's Rebellion demanded that white settlers from Europe not have to work, so the government legalized black slavery.
Bacon's Rebellion pitted the working class against the elites, which made a labor force with no rights or power more attractive.
Bacon's Rebellion demanded a black presence in government, which made the whites in power take away the legal rights of blacks.
Bacon's Rebellion represented a challenge to the Protestant government of Virginia by non-Christian, black settlers, so their rights were taken away.
Asked By SilentWanderer19 at
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Answer: Bacon's Rebellion was pitted working class against the elites, which made a labour force with no rights or power more attractive.
Bacon’s Rebellion was a movement of poor, landless servants and slaves against the wealthy planters of English colony. Members of both white and Black working class equally participated in the rebellion posing danger to the authority of planter class. After the Rebellion, the planter elite consolidated power and law makers made few important changes in legislation. The planters released the white slaves who had few legal rights (like right of assembly and right to arms) to minimize the threat and enslaved black men who had no legal rights and therefore were less dangerous to the ruling authority. In fact more legal rights were expanded to white working men in order to win them. These legal distinctions between white and black working men were also made to ensure that they don’t unite again in a rebellion.
These changes intensified the social and racial inequalities (between black men and white men) as well as black slavery.
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