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LAB REPORT SHEET 34 Peptides and Proteins A. Peptides 1. Condensed structural formulas of glycine and serine Glycine Serine DH 1 0 11 1 (H₂ H₃NT CH 0 11 (-0- H₂Nt - (H₂-C-0- 2. Condensed structural formulas of dipeptides Glycylserine Serylglycine 0 0 NH3 H3 Nt - (H3 -C-NH-CH-C-0- HO-CH2-CH-C-N- (Hz-170- 0 (H₂-OH H-2-0- 3. Condensed structural formulas of the reactants and products for the hydroly- sis of serylglycine 0 tt NH3 H3N+-1H-1-0- HO-CH₂-CH-I-N-C-0- Ін 11 OP (-N1-0-Ho CH OH H₂N+- (H₂-6-0- 4. Condensed structural formula for the tripeptide 5. Abbreviations for this tripeptide 3-letter abbreviation 1-letter abbreviation

Asked By ShadowStarlight84 at

Answered By Expert


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Step 1/2

The objective of the question is to make condensed structural formula of given peptides and protien.

The expression "dense primary equation" alludes to a portrayal of a compound construction that passes on more data than a sub-atomic recipe however is less complex than a full underlying equation. Certain structural elements are written more concisely in a condensed structural formula, making it a shorthand notation for describing a molecule's atom arrangement.


Peptides are short chains of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Amino acids are organic compounds that contain an amino group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH). When amino acids link together through peptide bonds, they form peptides.

Step 2/2

The condensed structure formulas of given peptides are as follows:


Molecular Formula: `C3H7NO3`Condensed Structural Formula: ` CH₂OHCH(NH2)COOH`

`(2)~` Condensed structure formulas of dipeptides:

Glycyl serine:

Structure: ` H2N-Gly-Ser-COOH`


Structure: ` H2N-Ser-Gly-COOH ``(3)~` Condensed structure formulas of hydrolysis of Seryl-glycine:Serine: `H2N-Ser-COOH`Glycine: `H2N-Gly-COOH` `(4)~` Condensed structural formula for tripeptide.`H2​N−CH2−CO-NH−CH-CH3−CO-NH-CHCH2OH-COOH``(5)~` Abbreviation for the tripeptide is given below as:Tripeptide made out of the amino acids Alanine `(Ala)` , Valine `(Val)` , and Leucine `(Leu)` :`One-` letter code: ` AVL``Three` -letter code: `Ala-Val-Leu`


The hydrolysis of Serylglycine includes breaking the peptide connection between serine ( `Ser` ) and glycine ( `Gly` ), bringing about the arrangement of the singular amino acids.

Final Answer

The condensed structural formula of given compounds is shown in step `2` .

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