Asked By DreamCatcher86 at
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Step 1/3
Write the equations for the following observations:
The group `1` cations are : `Ag+ , Pb^2+ , and Hg2^2+`Equations:
`Ag+ + HCl -> AgCl_{(s)} + H+``Pb^2+ + HCl -> PbCl2_{(s)} + H+``Hg2^2+ + HCl -> Hg2Cl2_{(s)}+ H+`Explanation:
The heavy metal ions precipitate as their respective chlorides. The metal chloride precipitates are white in color.
Step 2/3
`Pb^2+ + K2CrO4 -> PbCrO4 + 2K^+`Explanation:
When lead ions react with potassium chromate, yellow coloured precipitate of lead chromate is formed.
Step 3/3
`Hg2Cl2_{(s)} + 2NH3_{(aq)}⟶Hg_{(l)} + HgNH2Cl_{(s)} + NH^4+_{(aq)} + Cl−_{(aq)}`Explanation:
When mercury( `I` ) chloride and ammonia combine, a combination of white `HgNH2Cl ` (s) and black `Hg` (l) is produced that looks to be a gray solid. The existence of this gray solid indicates that `Hg2^2+` is present.Final Answer
The equations are as follows:
`Ag+ + HCl -> AgCl_{(s)} + H+``Pb^2+ + HCl -> PbCl2_{(s)} + H+``Hg2^2+ + HCl -> Hg2Cl2_{(s)}+ H+``Pb^2+ + K2CrO4 -> PbCrO4 + 2K^+``Hg2Cl2_{(s)} + 2NH3_{(aq)}⟶Hg_{(l)} + HgNH2Cl_{(s)} + NH^4+_{(aq)} + Cl−_{(aq)}`🧑🏫 More Questions
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