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H&R BLOCK Tax Analyst Certification - Case Study 2 Prepare a return using BlockWorks in PRACTICE mode. Access and use the BlockWorks shell return by entering the following four-digit code: 6102. A unique SSN will be generated by the software. Be sure to note this unique shell SSN so that you will be able to re-access this return. Prepare a 2017 Schedule E (Form 1040) for Mona. Any of Mona's information that is not associated with the Schedule E (Form 1040) has already been entered for you. Mona wants to compare Schedule E (Form 1040) results when the special/bonus depreciation allowance is elected versus when it is not. Therefore, prepare returns for both scenarios. She does want to take advantage of the de minimis safe harbor election, if any of the new property applies. After return preparation has been completed, return to the test and answer the associated questions. Taxpayer Information Taxpayer name: Mona J. Barber Taxpayer SSN: xxxX-6102 SN: Taxpayer DOB: Health care coverage: January 23, 1971 12 months through employer 0 months of no coverage 656 East Claflin Your City, YS XXxxx Address: Living arrangement: Taxpayer owns her home Cell phone: xxx) 555-6102; Preferred: OK to call anytime; FCC consent . given mjbarber@net.net Dental hygienist Taxpayer email: Taxpayer occupation Mona is single. Her SSN is valid for work in the U.S. and was received before the original filing due date of her return (including extensions). She is a U.S. citizen. No one may claim her as a dependent. Mona does wish to designate $3 to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. She is not blind or disabled. She is not a student. She did not provide her driver's license or state identification. Mona does not have authority over a foreign account. She did not receive a distribution from, nor was she the grantor of or transferor to, a foreign trust. Mona consents to the use of her tax return information for other products and services. She has not received a notice from the IRS or any state or local taxing authority within the last year. The IRS has not issued an Identity Protection ID Number for her return. Mona brings in her Form W-2 and Form 1095-B. The only other income she had in 2017 is from her rental property. Rental Information Mona has rented a single family home at 1947 Pinnacle Street, Your City, YS,XXXxx, to various tenants since September 3, 2001, when she converted the house from personal to rental property. At that time, the adjusted basis of the house was $154,000, including land value of $11,600, and the fair market value (FMV) of the house was $146,000, including land value of $11,600. a Employee's social secunity number XXX-XX-6102 OMB No. 1545-0008 FAST! Use 1 efileWIOK ST www.irs.gow Federal income tax withheld b Employer identification number (EIN) 61-6102001 c Employer's name, address, and ZIP code DENTAL PLUS Wages tips, other compensation 46,800.00 52, 300.00 52,300.00 7,020.00 al security wages 3 242.60 Medicare tax withhed 5 Medicare wages and tps 7 Social security tips 9 Vonfication cod0 1876 N COMMERCE STREET 758.35 8 Alocated tips 10 Dependent care ban efits 12a See instructions for box 12 YOUR CITY, YS xxxxx d Control number Suff 11 Nonqualiftied plans e Employee's first name and initial MONA J BARBER 656 EAST CLAFLIN Last name 5,500.00 12b 図ーローー1420 I 4,720.00 14 Other 12c 12d YOUR CITY Y xxxxx f Employee's address and ZIP code 16 Sate Employer's state D number 16 State wages, tips,eo 17 State incometa18 Local wages, tips, eto 19 Local Incometsx20 Localy numre 3,010.00 36616 102001 46,800.00 YS Department of the Treasury-Intemal Revenue Service W- statement Ta 2017 LStatement Form Copy B-To Be Filed With Employee's FEDERAL Tax Return. This information is being furnished to the Intermal Revenue Service. elng fumishes to the Internal Revenue Service CORRECTED f checked RECIPIENT SLENDER'S nme, atreot addreon, alty or town, etate or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, and telephone no Cwutlen: The amount shown may OMB No. 1646-0901 at be fully deduible by you Limita based on the loan amount e 2017 Mortgage Interest YOUR STATE BANK 1296 MAIN STREET YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX may apply, Abo, deduct Interest to the you may ony d dent iwas Inoured by you, ctunly poid by you, and not Statement by another person Form 1008 Copy B For Payer 3.572.00 8 taxpayr 3 Mortgage origination date 9/1/97 dentfication number 52,476.30 The Infornation in boxes 1 trough 10 is Important ta 61-1261515 XXX-XX-6102 informaton and fumished to the Revenue Service. If you ar MONA J BARBER Street eddrees (naluaing apt. no.) 656 EAST CLAPLIN Points pold on purchane of princlipal reaidenoe quired to fie a etum, is address of property seauring mortgngo same a "Yon "bax is checked f "No," see box 8or 9, below ancion may be mpowd on you the RS delomine thet an underpayment of areauts bacause you ovarslaled a deduction for this mortgage Interest or for thene points, mpord in bowes 1 and 6 or because you dt mport the refund of interest y or town, state or provinoe, country, and Z1P ar foreign poetal code YOUR CITY, YS xxxxx Address of property seouring morigage 1947 PINNACLE STREET If property seouring mortgege has no address, below io the 10 Number of properties 11 Other RE TAX: $1,938 desoription of the property ooount umber (oo Instruction) dalmed a non-deductible an. Fom 1098 Keep for your reoorde) www.ire.govform1008Department of the Treesury-Internal Revenue Bervioe uient(this will open in a new window) Question 73 of 75 If Mona elects to opt out of special depreciation for the new fence, what is the total depreciation deduction? $4,487 $5,178 $5,308 O$5,387 Mark for follow up Question 74 of 75 If Mona elects to opt out of special depreciation for the new fence, what is the amount of current depreciation for this asset? $157 S210 $315 $420 Mark for follow up Question 75 of 75 If Mona elects to use special depreciation for the new fence, what is her net profit or loss on the rental house? R($7.853) O ($7,643) O ($7,563) O($7.353) Mark for follow up

Asked By MidnightWhisper29 at

Answered By Expert


Expert · 4.3k answers · 4k people helped

Step 1/2

The allowance applies only for the first year you place the property in service. For qualified property placed in service in 2017, you can take an additional 50% special allowance (30% 2013 and prior). The program expenses the depreciated assets in this order:

Step 2/2

Lacerte automatically calculates the additional first-year depreciation for qualified assets. Your property is qualified if it is one of the following:

Final Answer

73. ANS-A(4487)

74. ANS-B(210)


If Mona can take a special depreciation allowance to recover part of the cost of qualified property, placed in service during the tax year.

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Experiment 8 Prelaboratory Assignment Limiting Reactant Desk No. Date Lob Sec. Nome 1. The limiting reactant is determined in this experiment. a. What are the reactants (and their molar masses) in the experiment? b. How is the limiting reactant determined in the experiment? 2. Experimental Procedure, Part A.2. What is the procedure and purpose of "digesting the precipitate"? 3. Two special steps in the Experimental Procedure are incorporated to reduce the loss of the calcium oxalate precipitate. Identify the steps in the procedure and the reason for each step. Experiment 8 129 4. a. A sample of a CaC1, 2H,O/K,C,OH,O solid salt mixture is dissolved in -150 mL of deionized water previously adjusted to a pH that is basic. The precipitate, after having been filtered, was air-dried and weighed. Data for Trial were obtained as shown. Complete the following table. (See Remart Sheet) Record calculated values with the cor- rect number of significant figures. Calculation Zone A. Precipitation of CaC,OH,O from the Salt Mixture 0.879 Data Analysis, 1. 3. Mass of salt mixture (g) 4. Mass of filter paper (8) 5. Mass of filter paper and CaC,0,*H,0 (g) 6. Mass of air-dried CaC,0 •H,0 (8) 2.180 Data Analysis, 3. B. Determination of Limiting Reactant 1. Limiting reactant in salt mixture 2. Excess reactant in salt mixture CaCl 2H.0 Data Analysis, 4. Data Analysis 1. Moles of CaC,0,H,O precipitated (mol) Show calculation 2. Moles of limiting reactant in salt mixture (mol) See equation 8.1. 3. Mass of limiting reactant in salt mixture (8) Show calculation 4. Mass of excess reactant in salt mixture (R) Equals mass of salt mixture minus mans of limiting reactant. Show calculation 5. Percent limiting reactant in salt mixture (96) Show ealculation 6. Percent excess reactant in salt mixture (56) Data Analysis, 5. 4. b. For Trials 2 and 3, the percent CaCl 2H 0 in the mixture was 39.7% and 28.4% respectively. a. What is the average percent of CaCl-2H,O in the sample? Data Analysis, B. b. What are the standard deviation and the relative standard deviation (RSD) for the percent of CaCl, 2H,O in the sample? Data Analysis, C and D. 130 Limiting Reactant According to equation 8.1, the moles of CaCl 2H 0 that react equals the moles of K.C.O-H,0 (the limiting reactant) that react equals the moles of Cac,OH,O that precipitate. Therefore, the mass of CaCl 2H,0 (the excess reactant) that reacts is mass CaCl-2H,0 -0.194 g CacOH;0 Imol CaC,0,HO 146.12 g CaC,0,H, 1 mol CaC1,-2H,0 147.02 g CaCl, 2H,0 1 mol CaCO, H, 1 mol CaCl2H40 -0.195 g CaCl, 2H,0 reacted Since 0.293 g CaCl 2H,0 were calculated present in the original salt mixture, then the mass of excess CaC1, 2H,0 is (0.293 8 -0.195 g =) 0.098 g xs CaCl, 2H,0. Procedure Overview: In Part A, a measured mass of a solid CaCl2H,O/K.C,OH,O EXPERIMENTAL salt mixture of unknown percent composition is added to water. The precipitate that PROCEDURE forms is digested, filtered, and dried, and its mass is measured. Observations from tests on the supernatant solution in Part B determine which salt in the mixture is the limit. Supematant, the clear solution that ing reactant. An analysis of the data provides the determination of the percent compo- exi ofer the precipitate has settled sition of the salt mixture. Two trials are recommended for this experiment. To hasten the analyses, measure the mass of duplicate unknown solid salt mixtures in clean 150 or 250-ml, beakers and simultaneously follow the procedure for each. Label the heakers accordingly for Trial I and Trial 2 to avoid the intermixing of samples and solutions. Obtain about 2-3 g of an unknown CaCl, 2H,O/K.C.O.H.O salt mixture. Be aware of the number of significant figures when recording data. A. Precipitation of CaC,0,H,O from the Salt Mixture Data Analysis, A 1. Prepare the salt mixture. a. Mass of salt mixture. Measure the mass (0.001 g) of heaker I and record on the Report Sheet for Trial 1. Transfer - g of the salt mixture to the beaker, measure, and record the combined mass. Repeat for Trial 2, beaker 2. b. Adjust pH of deionised water. Fill a 400-ml beaker with deionized water. Test with pH paper. If the water is acidic, adjust it to be just basic with drops of 6 M NH,. If already basic to pH paper, then no addition of NH, is necessary. c. Mir deionised water and salt. Add-150 ml of the deionized water from Part A.lb to the salt mixture in beaker 1. Stir the mixture with a stirring rod for 2-3 minutes and then allow the precipitate to settle. Leave the stirring rod in the beaker. Repeat for Trial 2 2. Digest the precipitate." a. Heat Cover the beaker with a watch glass and warm the solution on a hot plate (Figure 8.1. page 126) to a temperature not to exceed 75°C for -15 minutes. Periodically stir the solution and, in the meantime, proceed to Part A.3. b. Cool. After -15 minutes, remove the heat and allow the precipitate to settle; the solution does not need to cool to room temperature. Calcium oxalate does not precipitate in an acidic solution because of the formation of HC, on ion that does not precipitate with Cod Digesting a precipitate in warm water promotes the dissolving of the smaller precipitate particles fol lowed by their reprecipitating on the existing larger porticles. The result is a more efficient filering process Experiment 8 125 Spectator lor corions or anions that do not participare in any observable of detectable chemical reaction Nel lonic equation on equation that includes only those ions that participate in the observed chemical reaction, aho presented in Experiment Presenting only the ions that show evidence of a chemical reaction (.e., the forma in a recinitate arby removing the spectator ions (ie., no change of ionic for during the reaction), we have the net ionic equation for the observed reaction: Calaq) + CO Tag) + H.O(1) CaC,OH,O(s) (8.3) Calcium oxalate monohydrate is thermally stable below -90'C but forms the anhydrous salt, Caco at temperatures above 110°C. Therefore, one mole of Cat (from one mole of CaC12H,0 molar mass = 147.02 g/mol) reacts with one mole of C.0,- (from one mole of K,C,OH,O, molar mass = 184.24 g/mol) to produce one mole of Cac,OH,O (molar mass = 146.12 g/mol). If the calcium oxalate is heated to temperatures greater than 110°C for drying, then anhy- drous Cac.o. (molar mass = 128.10 g/mol) is the product. In Part A of this experiment the solid reactant salts CaCl2H.O and K.C.0/H,0 form a heterogeneous mixture of unknown composition. The mass of the solid mixture is measured and then added to water-insoluble CaC,OH,O forms. The Cac,OH,O precipitate is collected via gravity filtration and dried, and its mass is measured. The percent composition of the salt mixture is determined by first testing for the limiting reactant. In Part B. the limiting reactant for the formation of solid cal- cium oxalate monohydrate is determined from two precipitation tests of the final reaction mixture from Part A: (1) the mixture is tested for an excess of calcium ion with an oxalate reagent-observed formation of a precipitate indicates the presence of an excess of calcium ion (and a limited amount of oxalate ion) in the salt mix- ture; (2) the mixture is also tested for an excess of oxalate ion with a calcium reagent-observed formation of a precipitate indicates the presence of an excess of oxalate ion (and a limited amount of calcium ion) in the salt mixture. Calculations The calculations for the analysis of the salt mixture require some attention. "How do I proceed to determine the percent composition of a salt mixture of CaCl, 2H,0 and K.C.O-H,O by measuring only the mass of the CaC,OH,O precipitate? Example: A 0.538-g sample of the salt mixture is added to water and after drying (to less than 90°C) 0.194 g of Cac,OH,O is measured. Tests reveal that K.C.O-H,O is the limiting reactant. What is the percent composition of the salt mixture? Since K.C.OH,is the limiting reactant, how many grams of the excess CaC1,2H,0 were in the salt mixture? Solution: Since K.C.O,H,O is the limiting reactant, then, according to equation 8.1, the moles of K.C.O-H,0 in the salt mixture equals the moles of CaC,0,H.0 formed. Therefore, the calculated mass of K.C.O-H,O in the original salt mixture is 6. I wol CaC20, HẠO grams K.C.O,H,0 -0.194 g CaC,0,H,0 x 146.12 g CaC,,H,O 1 mol KC,OH,O 184.24 K.C.O.-H,0 Imol CaC,0,H, 0 1 mol KC,0,H,0 0.245 g K.C.O-H,O in the salt mixture. The percent by mass of K.C.O-H,0 in the original salt mixture is -0.245 g K.C.O.H.O -X 100 = 45.5% K.C.0H,0 Data Analysis, A SK.C_0H,0 = 0.538 g sample The mass of the CaCl, 2H,0 in the salt mixture is the difference between the mass of the sample and the mass of K.C,0H,O or (0.538 g - 0.245 g ) 0.293 g. The percent by mass of CaCl-2H 0 in the original salt mixture is 0.5388 -0.2458 x 100 = 54.5% CaCl, 2H,0 CaCl-2H0 = 0.538 g sample 124 Limiting Reactant Experiment 8 Limiting Reactant Scimol/Science Source Calcium oxalate crystals contribute to the formation of kidney stones. OBJECTIVES • To determine the limiting reactant in a mixture of two soluble salts • To determine the percent composition of each substance in a salt mixture The following techniques are used in the Experimental Procedure: TECHNIQUES Percent composition: the mos ratio of component of a midwe or compound to the total mass of the sample times 100 octual yield) x 100 Two factors affect the yield of products in a chemical reaction: (1) the amounts INTRODUCTION (moles) of starting materials (reactants) and (2) the percent yield of the reaction. Percantil Many experimental conditions, for example, temperature and pressure, can be adjusted to increase the yield of a desired product in a chemical reaction, but because chemicals theoretical yield/ react according to fixed mole ratios (stoichiometrically), only a limited amount of product can form from measured amounts of starting materials. The reactant determin- ing the amount of product generated in a chemical reaction is called the limiting reac- Stoichiometricely: by a study of a tant in the chemical system. chemical reaction using a balanced To better understand the concept of the limiting reactant, let us look at the reac equation tion under investigation in this experiment, the reaction of calcium chloride dihy- drate, CaCl, 2H,0, and potassium oxalate monohydrate, K,C,0,H,O, in an aqueous solution. CaCl-2H,O(aq) + K.C.OH,O(aq)- Cac.0.H.0(s) + 2 KCl(aq) + 2 H.(I) (8.1) Calcium oxalate monohydrate, Caco H., the product, is an insoluble com- pound, but is found naturally in a number of diverse locations. It is found in plants, such as rhubarb leaves, agave, and (in small amounts) spinach, and is the cause of most kidney stones. In small doses, it causes a severe reaction to the lining of the digestive tract. However, the handling of calcium oxalate in the laboratory is safe, so long as it is not transferred to the mouth. For the reaction system in this experiment, both the calcium chloride and potas- sium oxalate are soluble salts, but the calcium oxalate is insoluble. The lonie equation lonic equation: A chemical equation for the reaction is that presents lonic compounds in the form in which they exist in aqueous Cal(aq) + 2 CH(aq) + 2 K*(aq) + C,0, (aq) + 3 H,O(1) - solution. See Experiment 6. C.C.O.-H,0(s) + 2 Cl(aq) + 2 K*(aq) + 2 H2O(l) (8.2) Experiment 8 123