Asked By TwilightSerenade45 at
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Could you plz go through this code and let me know if u need any changes in this.Thank You
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct fraction {
int a;
int b;
fraction(int _a, int _b)
a = _a;
b = _b;
string to_string()
return "{"+std::to_string(a)+"/"+std::to_string(b)+")";
fraction subtract(fraction f)
int numer = (a * f.b) + (f.a * b);
int denom = this->b * f.b;
fraction fraction(numer, denom);
return fraction.simplify();
fraction divide(fraction f)
int a = a;
int e = b;
int c = f.a;
int d = f.b;
int num = (a * d);
int den = (c * e);
fraction frac(num, den);
return frac.simplify();
fraction simplify()
int loop;
int n = a < 0 ? -a : a;
int d = b;
int largest = n > d ? n : d;
int gcd = 0; // greatest common divisor
for (loop = largest; loop >= 2; loop--)
if (a % loop == 0 && b % loop == 0) {
gcd = loop;
if (gcd != 0) {
a /= gcd;
b /= gcd;
return *this;
int main()
fraction f1(5, 10), f2(3, 9);
cout << "Fraction#1:" << f1.to_string() << endl;
cout << "Fraction#2:" << f2.to_string() << endl;
fraction fsub = f1.subtract(f2);
fraction fdiv = f1.divide(f2);
cout << f1.to_string() << " - " << f2.to_string() << " = " << fsub.to_string() << endl;
cout << f1.to_string() << " - " << f2.to_string() << " = " << fdiv.to_string() << endl;
return 0;
+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Could you plz rate me well.Thank You
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