Asked By OceanBreeze44 at
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Solution By Steps
Step 1: Understanding PPO
A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) is a type of health insurance plan that offers a network of healthcare providers. It typically allows policyholders to see any doctor or specialist without needing a referral, including those outside the network, though at a higher cost.
Step 2: Identifying PPO Characteristics
Freedom to see more doctors: PPO plans allow seeing both in-network and out-of-network providers.
Covers out-of-network doctors and specialists: While it’s more cost-effective to see in-network providers, PPOs do cover visits to out-of-network doctors, albeit at a higher cost to the policyholder.
Does not require referrals: One of the key features of a PPO is that it does not require referrals to see specialists.
Step 3: Eliminating Incorrect Options
Only covers in-network providers: This is incorrect as PPOs also cover out-of-network providers.
Provides primary care physician: While PPOs do have networks of primary care physicians, they do not require members to choose a primary care physician or to get referrals from them.
Final Answer
Gives the freedom to see more doctors
Covers out-of-network doctors and specialists
Does not require referrals
Key Concept
PPO Flexibility
Key Concept Explanation
PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans offer flexibility by allowing policyholders to visit both in-network and out-of-network providers without needing referrals, distinguishing them from other types of health insurance plans that might have stricter provider access or referral requirements.
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