Asked By MidnightSapphire47 at
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Solution By Steps
Step 1: Identify the Situation
If the federal funds rate is above the target set by the Federal Reserve, it means the rate is too high.
Step 2: Determine the Correct Action
To bring the rate back towards its target, the Fed needs to decrease the rate, which means increasing the money supply.
Step 3: Choose the Correct Option
The correct action to increase the money supply and lower the federal funds rate is by buying bonds.
Final Answer
a. buying bonds. This buying would increase the money supply.
Key Concept
Monetary Policy
Key Concept Explanation
In monetary policy, central banks like the Federal Reserve use tools like buying or selling bonds to adjust the money supply in the economy, influencing interest rates such as the federal funds rate. Buying bonds injects money into the economy, increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates.
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