Asked By GoldenSunrise35 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 4.8k answers · 4k people helped
Response B is more accurate than Response A. Response B correctly states that the over 832 million unit sales figure includes only the core Super Mario games, while the additional 290 million unit sales come from spin-off games like Mario Kart, Mario Party, and Mario Sports. This distinction is important as it clarifies the total sales attributed to the Mario franchise accurately.
Inaccuracies or unsupported claims in Response A:
Response A implies that the 832 million unit sales figure includes not only the core Super Mario games but also the spin-off games. This is inaccurate as the spin-off games are counted separately in the total sales.
Response A does not specify the breakdown of sales between the core games and the spin-off games, which can lead to confusion regarding the actual sales distribution within the franchise.
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