Asked By DreamChaser34 at
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Solution By Steps
Step 1: Calculate the Probability of Choosing a Non-Diamond Card
There are 39 non-Diamond cards out of the 45 cards in the reduced deck.
Probability of choosing a non-Diamond card = Number of non-Diamond cards / Total number of cards
Step 2: Calculate the Probability of Choosing a Diamond Card
Since there are 13 Diamond cards left in the deck after removing three, the probability of choosing a Diamond card is:
Probability of choosing a Diamond card = Number of Diamond cards / Total number of cards
Step 3: Calculate the Probability of None of the Three Cards Being Diamonds (a)
To find the probability that none of the three chosen cards are Diamonds, we multiply the probabilities of choosing non-Diamond cards for all three draws since the cards are not replaced.
Step 4: Calculate the Probability of Exactly One Diamond Card (b)
To find the probability that exactly one of the three chosen cards is a Diamond, we need to consider all possible ways this can happen: one Diamond and two non-Diamonds, two non-Diamonds and one Diamond, or three non-Diamonds.
Step 5: Calculate the Probability of At Least Two Diamond Cards ©
To find the probability that at least two of the three chosen cards are Diamonds, we calculate the probability of two Diamonds and three Diamonds separately, then sum these probabilities.
Final Answer
(a) Probability that none of the cards chosen are Diamonds = 0.578
(b) Probability that exactly one of the cards chosen is a Diamond = 0.378
© Probability that at least two of the cards chosen are Diamonds = 0.044
Understanding the concept of conditional probability is crucial in scenarios where events are dependent on each other. In this case, by carefully considering the reduced deck and the outcomes of each draw, we were able to calculate the probabilities of different events occurring. These calculations are not only important in card games but also have applications in various fields such as statistics, finance, and risk assessment, where understanding the likelihood of different outcomes is essential for decision-making.
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