
Asked By SereneSunset64 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 3.7k answers · 3k people helped
To determine the appropriate technique for Susan to use when giving compressions to Noah, we need to consider the effectiveness and safety of each method.
Solution By Steps
Step 1: Evaluate the One-finger Technique
The one-finger technique is generally not recommended for CPR as it provides insufficient force and depth for effective chest compressions. This method is too weak to generate the necessary pressure to circulate blood adequately.
Step 2: Evaluate the Two-handed Technique
The two-handed technique, also known as the hands-only CPR, is the standard method recommended by most medical guidelines. This technique involves placing both hands on the center of the chest and pushing hard and fast. It ensures adequate depth and force for effective compressions, which is crucial for maintaining blood flow during cardiac arrest.
Final Answer
Susan should use the Two-handed technique to give compressions to Noah. This method is more effective and safer for providing the necessary pressure and depth required for CPR.
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