Asked By StormChaser83 at
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Solution By Steps
Step 1: Identify the time period and context
The Gilded Age refers to the period in the United States from the 1870s to the early 1900s, characterized by rapid economic growth and industrialization.
Step 2: Analyze the shoemaking process in 1800
In 1800, shoes were primarily made by hand, often by individual cobblers or in small workshops. This was a labor-intensive process with limited production capacity.
Step 3: Examine the changes by 1900
By 1900, due to advancements in technology and the growth of industrialization, shoes began to be mass-produced in factories. This shift allowed for increased production efficiency and reduced costs.
Step 4: Compare the processes in 1800 and 1900
The transition from hand-made to factory mass-production marked a significant change in the shoemaking industry, reflecting broader economic and technological developments during the Gilded Age.
Final Answer
During the Gilded Age, shoemaking transitioned from being primarily hand-made in 1800 to mass-produced in factories by 1900, reflecting the era’s industrialization and economic growth.
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