Asked By EnchantedHorizon83 at
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Expert · 4.8k answers · 4k people helped
Technology played a significnt role in the fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was technologically behind the West, particularly in the areas of computers and telecommunications. This technological gap made it difficult for the Soviet Union to compete with the West and maintain control over information. The spread of television and other forms of mass media also helped to expose the failures of the Soviet system and promote ideas of freedom and democracy.
This question is asking for an assessmentment of the role technology played in the fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was a socilist state that existed from 192 to 191. It was one of the world's two superpowers, along with the United States, during the Cold War. The fall of the Soviet Union was a complex process that involved a vriety of factors, including economic issues, political corruption, and nationalist movements. However, technology also played a role. The Soviet Union was behind in terms of technology, particularly in the areas of computers and telecommunications. This technological gap made it difficult for the Soviet Union to compete with the West, and it also made it difficult for the government to control information and maintain its authority. Additionally, the spread of television and other forms of mass media helped to expose the failures of the Soviet system and to promote ideas of freedom and democracy.
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