
Asked By MidnightDreams92 at
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1) R2) R3) I4) I5) I6) R7) R8) R9) R10) R11) R12) R
1) The square root of 81 is 9, which is a whole number. Therefore, it is a rational number.2) 56.5191 is a decimal number that terminates. Therefore, it is a rational number.3) The square root of 83 is approximately 9.1104 and it does not terminate or repeat. Therefore, it is an irrational number.4) 24\pi is approximately 75.3982 and it does not terminate or repeat. \pi is a well-known irrational number, so any non-zero multiple of \pi is also irrational.5) 90.790170…… suggests that the number does not terminate or repeat. Therefore, it is an irrational number.6) 60/52 is a fraction, and all fractions are rational numbers.7) 70.300722 is a decimal number that terminates. Therefore, it is a rational number.8) 22 is a whole number. Therefore, it is a rational number.9) 14 is a whole number. Therefore, it is a rational number.10) 22/38 is a fraction, and all fractions are rational numbers.11) 23/24 is a fraction, and all fractions are rational numbers.12) 46.547415 is a decimal number that terminates. Therefore, it is a rational number.
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