
Asked By GoldenSunset48 at
Answered By Expert

Expert · 2.1k answers · 2k people helped
Static stretching involves stretching a muscle to its furthest point and holding it for a period of time. Passive stretching involves using an external force to help stretch the muscle, while active stretching involves using the strength of the muscles to stretch them. Both types of stretching can be beneficial, but active stretching can provide more significant improvements in muscular elasticity and strength.
Static stretching is a type of stretching where you stretch a muscle to its furthest point and then hold that position for a period of time, usually between 30 seconds to 2 minutes. This type of stretching is beneficial for increasing flexibility and reducing muscle tightness. On the other hand, passive stretching is a type of static stretching where an external force is used to help stretch the muscle. This could be your own body weight, a partner, a wall, or any other object that can provide the necessary support. An example of passive stretching could be using your hands to push your feet against a wall while standing with your back against the wall. In contrast, active stretching is a type of static stretching where you use the strength of your muscles to stretch them. This type of stretching requires more effort and can also foster greater improvements in muscular elasticity and strength. An example of active stretching could be standing and lifting your leg straight in front of you as high as you can and holding it there. The stretch on the hamstring is caused by the contraction of the quadriceps (the muscle on the front of the thigh).
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