Asked By MysticMist72 at
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Expert · 1.5k answers · 1k people helped
The correct name for P4S3 is tetra phosphorus tri sulfide or its also known as phosphorus sesquisulfide.Its a inorganic compound .
P= phosphorus
S= sulfur
The 4 is in P ,Then it is use the prefix "TETRA" and ,3 is in S,so it can also use the prefix is "TRI".then we can also use suffix "ide" in sulfur because we are name the compound with multiple element .
IUPAC name - is tetra phosphorus tri sulfide
Reaction with red or white phosphorus with sulfur give P4S3 ,Excess we get phosphorus penta sulfide ,it have C3v symmetry .
so P4S3 will be named as tetra phosphorus tri sulfide when using sceintific term,then the name of compound is phosphorus sesqui sulfide
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