How to free trial?
Asked By StormySeas69 at
Answered By Expert
Expert · 2.6k answers · 2k people helped
We can offer the free trial by the following informations:
I) Offer the free trial without requiring credit card information.
ii) Make use of e-mail .This is one of the instrument for gaining free trial users. The best way to communicate with users during the free trial is e mail.
iii) Remind the customers when the free trial is going to expire . After expiring of free trial send an e mail to customers. Depending on the duration of the trail for 1 month or 2 weeks, we should continuously send more emails.
iv) Provide an early discount if they buy before it is going to be end. It is necessary to provide discounts if they do not purchase within 1 month.
v) Ask for action. Encourage the prospects to take the next steps down the sales tube.
vi,) Allow the free trial user to increase their trial period. Give them few more days for their trial period. Allow them to depend on the product more.
vii) Make it more easy for the customers to buy. Once the free trial has finished it should be totally easy for the customer to buy the full category. If the customer has to ask how to buy the goods or start up a new account , we are doing it totally wrong. The process is so simple.
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