Asked By MysticSkyline31 at
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Expert · 3.2k answers · 3k people helped
1)N is in Group 15 , H is in Group 1 , Cl is in Group 17
In NH2Cl there is a total of 14 valence electrons because Nitrogen - 15 -- 5(last digit)
Chlorine - 17 -- 7(last digit)
Hydrogen - 1 -- 1(last digit) -- total = 5 + 7 + 1(2) = 14.
N has 5 valence electrons hence has 5 holes. Each H has 1 hole , Finally the chlorine has 7 holes.
The no. of sticks required is 3 ( 3-bonds are formed).
3)Skeleton -
Blue - Nitrogen , White - Hydrogen , Green - Chlorine
4) NH2Cl - - -
8 Holes are left over finally.
5)The geometry of NH2Cl is trigonal pyramid with an unsymmetric charge distribution.
Therefore this molecule is polar.
It cannot have isomers because there are no double or triple bonds.
6)Resonance Structures --
It doesnot have resonating structure since it does not have a dipole.
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